Kali Ma

  • Kali Puja is Different from Diwali

    Bengalis have to be different. On Diwali, for instance, while much of India prays to the fair goddess Lakshmi with millions of dazzling lights, to seek wealth and prosperity, the Bengali Hindus pray to their dark goddess on the darkest night of the year, to seek some much required strength. After all, they have completed their tryst with Lakshmi several weeks before, right after Durga Puja.

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  • Story & History of Kali

    There are several tales about Kali’s origin, the best known of which comes from the Devi Mahatmya. It says that when Durga was so enraged by demons that her anger burst from her forehead in the form of Kali. Once born, the dark goddess went on the rampage, killing demons and stringing their heads on a chain around her neck. Her dance of death and destruction was stopped only when Shiva lay on her path and she stepped on her husband’s chest by accident. She was terribly embarrassed and finally calmed down. Kali is thus associated with war, death and cremation.

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  • কালীপুজো

    বাঙালির ধাতটাই যে আলাদা, সেটা কেবল তাকে কাঁটাওয়ালা মাছ মুখে নিয়ে অনর্গল তর্ক করতে দেখেই বোঝা যায় না, বাঙালির সরকার এবং ভগবান যে অবশিষ্ট ভারতের চেয়ে এতটাই অন্য রকম, সেটাও তার একটা প্রমাণ।

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