
  • নিউ ইয়ার্স আর পুরাতন সেই বর্ষগুলো

    “ মশাই, কোন সালে জন্ম আপনার? “ কয়েক বছর আগে অবধি এরকম প্রশ্নের উত্তরে কোনও আম ভারতীয় বলতেন, “ ওই যে বছর বন্যা হল, সে বছরে” কিংবা “ভূমিকম্পের পরের বছর”। সালের অনুল্লেখ ছিল অবশ্যম্ভাবী। আর সালটা যে দিন থেকে শুরু হচ্ছে, সেই নিউ ইয়ার্স ডে বা নববর্ষের দিনটা কেউ খেয়ালই করত না।

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  • Those Were Days My Friend

    My first recollection of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is imbedded in my mind, as it was also my first brush with the law. It was in January 1969, a month after I had appeared for my class 11 School Board examination, that my political 'mentor' decided that we must join a protest outside the Pakistani High Commissioner's office to demand the release of Sheikh saheb from jail. Who? Sashanka Sekhar Ray explained the Agartala Conspiracy Case and how the Pak government had put Sheik Mujib behind bars for two long years.

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  • সাম্প্রদায়িক সংগঠনদের গান্ধী বিরোধিতা

    গান্ধী জয়ন্তী দিন মনে পড়ে রাষ্ট্রীয় স্বয়ংসেবক সঙ্ঘের (আরএসএস) আর হিন্দু মহাসভা কি ভাবে ক্রমাগত তাঁর বিরুদ্ধে কাজ করেছিল। শুধু তাই না, তারা ভারতের স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রামের থেকে সব সময় দূরত্ব বজায় রেখেছে। এমনকি ১৯৪২-এ গান্ধীজির ডাকা ‘ভারত ছাড়ো’ আন্দোলন, যাকে দেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধের সবচেয়ে সঙ্কটময় মুহূর্ত বলা হয়, সেই সময়ও এই দুই সংস্থা ব্রিটিশ সরকারেরই পাশে ছিল, গান্ধীর দিকে নয়। মহাসভার সাভারকর ইংরেজদের সরাসরি সাহায্য না করলেও পরোক্ষ ভাবে মদত জুগিয়েছেন।

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  • আমাদের শান্তিনিকেতন

    জাতিসংঘের শিক্ষা, বিজ্ঞান ও সংস্কৃতি সংস্থা ইউনেস্কো শান্তিনিকেতনকে বিশ্বের একটি সেরা ঐতিহ্যের স্থান হিসাবে চিহ্নিত করার পর থেকে প্রচুর আলোচনা ও জল্পনা শুরু হয়েছে। ইতিহাস বা সংস্কৃতি নিয়ে উৎসাহ যত বাড়ে ততই মঙ্গল। কিন্তু স্বাভাবিক প্রশ্ন : এই বিশ্ব সম্মানটি ঠিক কী আর তা বলতে কী বোঝায়?

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  • The Origin and Evolution of May Day as a Workers’ Rights Symbol

    May Day was not born in the Soviet Union — but in Capitalist America, to become a universal symbol of the rights and might of the working class. On the 1st of May 1886, the American Federations of Labour organised large assemblies of workers in Chicago and other parts of the USA.

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  • বাংলা ও তার ফারসি উত্তরাধিকার

    আমরা সবাই জানি অষ্টম শতক থেকে আরব ব্যবসায়ী ও ধর্মপ্রচারকদের সঙ্গে ইসলামি সংস্কৃতি বাংলায় প্রবেশ করেছিল। তবে ১২০৪ সাল থেকে এর প্রভাব ব্যাপকভাবে অনুভূত হয় কারণ এই সময় ইখতিয়ারউদ্দিন মুহাম্মদ বিন বখতিয়ার খিলজি বাংলার সেন বংশকে উৎখাত করে শাসন ক্ষমতা দখল করেন। এভাবে বাংলা হয়ে ওঠে দিল্লির নব্য প্রতিষ্ঠিত সুলতান বংশের অন্যতম পূর্বতম প্রদেশ। এই সুলতানি বংশ আবার প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয়েছিল পারস্যায়িত তুর্কদের হাতে । এই বিজয় এক নতুন যুগের সূচনা করেছিল।

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  • Amidst 'Conversion' Brouhaha, PM Modi's Words in Bali Cement a Truth About Hinduism's Spread

    When Prime Minister Modi addressed a highly publicised meeting in Bali recently and remembered ever so fondly that Indians from Odisha had gone to Bali several centuries ago to spread “Indian civilisation”, he was actually admitting more than he meant.

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  • Academic Writings


    Caught Between Myth and Reality: A Nation Called India
    IIC Quarterly, Summer 2023, Volume 50, Number 1

    Looking Differently at Ancient Indian History — From a Scientific Angle
    This article is an edited version of a talk delivered at the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Gol Park, Kolkata on 25 August, 2017.

    The Company’s Policy & the Consolidation of the Bhadralok Castes
    Prof Amalesh Tripathi Memorial Lecture Bangiya Itihas Samiti, Kolkata, 25 th April, 2019

    Rammohun Roy: His Contribution to the Making of India
    Studies in People’s History, Sage Publication, Volume 7, Issue 1, June 2020, Pages 53-64

    Alexander Duff: Visionary and Educationist.
    Alexander Duff Memorial Lecture, Scottish Church College, Kolkata,
    185th Foundation Day, 14th July 2014

    Revd. Dr. William Carey: An Enquiry into the Obligation of a Social Reformer
    The Bible Society of India (Calcutta Auxiliary), 17 Aug 2014

    The Last Days of the First Rebel: Derozio
    Bicentennial Publication of the Presidency College Alumni Association, 20th Jan 2017

    Ruling The District: Evolution of district administration in Bengal: A Brief Account India
    International Centre Quarterly India International Centre Quarterly Vol 15, Summer 1988. (p 71-87)

    Reconsidering Local History: Some Facts, Some Observations
    In Quest Of The Historian's Craft: Essays in Honour of Professor B. B. Chaudhuri;  Part II: The Polity, Society And Culture
    Edited by Arun Bandyopadhyay & Sanjukta Das Gupta

    How Buddhism Was Re-discovered in Modern India
    6th Kripasaran Memorial Lecture, Bengal Buddhist Association Kolkata, 22nd June 2015

    The Slow Silent Emergence of India’s National Identity
    Maulana Azad Memorial Lecture
    Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute Of Asian Studies, Kolkata, 11 November 2016

    ১৭৫৩ খ্রিষ্টাব্দঃ বাঙালি 'ভদ্রলোক'-এর উত্থান
    ইতিকথা, বর্ষ ১০, সংখ্যা ২, জুলাই ২০২২ খ্রি। ( ISSN 2320-3447 Itikotha)


    Assembly Elections in West Bengal, 2021: How Socio-Political Traditions Defeated a Superior Electoral Machinery in Electoral Democracy
    An Inquiry into the Fairness and Integrity of Elections in India, 2022. Edited by M.G. Devasahayam, Publ: Paranjoy, (p 73-192)

    View the Table of Contents from the book
    View on Academia

    Major Issues Concerning Free and Fair Elections: The Case of West Bengal in Electoral Democracy

    An Inquiry into the Fairness and Integrity of Elections in India, 2022. Edited by M.G. Devasahayam, Publ: Paranjoy. (p 193-212)

    View the Table of Contents from the book
    View on Academia

    75 years of the Congress Family: Is a Reconciliation Possible?
    Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav : India at 75
    Ed: Amb.Surendra Kumar, Har Anand Publishers, Delhi, 2022, (p 62-75)

    Contending with Contentious Cows
    The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy, Feb 9 2019

    Subservience, Not Efficiency: Modi & Civil Service ‘Reforms’

    The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy, 20 July 2018

    Secularism Under Threat in Bangladesh and India
    International conference: 'After the Genocide: Fifty years of Bangladesh & Birth Centenary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman', Dhaka, 22-23 November 2019

    The Hegemonic Gene: Bureaucracy And Mindless Dominance.
    Indian National Confederation and Academy of Anthropologists, (INCAA) Bhubaneswar, 21.02.2015
    Round Table: 2015 on Society, State and Governance

    Vividh Bharati's Role In Unifying The Indian Nation
    RKMIC, Kolkata 29th January 2014


    Krishna’s Long Journey: From Sacred Text to the Popular Arts
    Published by the Victoria Memorial Hall, Kolkata, in March 2017 as Krishna: Iconographic Representations, edited by Jayanta Sengupta, 5 Feb, 2016

    Appropriation & Absorption: Examples From The Dharma Cult Of Rarh-Bangla
    Folklore Summer School, April 12-14, 2017, Bangla Academy, Dhaka

    From The Aniconic To The Iconic: The Folk Gods Transform, While Dharma Resists
    Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society. Nov2004, Vol. 39 Issue 3, p209-226. 18p.

    The Bengalis: A Thousand Years
    An English translation of the Bengali article in Ananda Bazar Patrika’s Special Supplement on the New Millennium, dated 1 Jan 2000.

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  • Was Gandhi Anti-Science?

    Aldous Huxley was among the first to brand Gandhi and his movements `anti- science’. “Tolstoyan’s and Gandhiites tell us to `return to nature’,” he said, “in other words, abandon science altogether and live like primitives”. This impression was surely in currency and, in the absence of a determined, evidence laden rebuttal, it continues to prevail. Dr Meghnad Saha once told the Russians that he and his fellow scientists had “as little regard” for Gandhi’s economic and social theories “as you ‘the Russians’ have for Tolstoy”.

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  • A Revolutionary and a Sage: Sri Aurobindo at 150

    Sri Aurobindo, the venerable sage of French Pondicherry, turned 75 on the very day British India – which he had quit after leading its first revolutionary war of liberation – attained Independence. The sheer coincidence was not lost then, though it is almost completely forgotten today, on the 150th anniversary of his birth.

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  • India Draws its Strength from an Ancient Tolerant Civilisation

    On the 14th of August, 1947, Pakistan broke free from the erstwhile united India and that very night, India declared freedom. Amidst the euphoria and waves of support were doubts, doomsayers and opponents. This new India was not one entity but consisted of 14 British provinces and 565 princely states, with a mind boggling multiplicity of cultural identities, languages and ethnicities. Many were reminded of John Strachey’s jibe that “there is not and never was an India…no India nation, no people of India.”

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  • Sri Chaitanya & Puri’s Ratha Yatra

    Puri’s Ratha Yatra reminds Bengalis about Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who was known for his extreme demonstrations of piety and love for Jagannath. When he reached Puri after he took Sannyas in 1510, he was so overwhelmed with emotions that he rushed in a trance to embrace the image of Jagannath — and got roughed up by the priests who took him to be crazy.

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  • An Unrelenting Patriot

    The Sangh's mouthpiece, Swaraj, in its issue of June 23, 2019, insists that Syama Prasad Mookerjee had actually saved Hindu Bengalis from "imminent annihilation", and its powerful social media repeats this claim incessantly. The PM renamed Kolkata Port Trust in his name and there appears a renewed interest in Mookerjee — the founder of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh that later metamorphosed into the Bharatiya Janata Party. As the son of the most powerful Vice Chancellor of Calcutta University — Sir Ashutosh Mookerjee — Syama Prasad's academic achievements were under a bit of a cloud in the 1920s.

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  • Foreword to Lopamudra Maitra Bajpai’s book - India, Sri Lanka and the SAARC region: History, Popular Culture and Heritage

    I must compliment the author and the publisher for coming up with this very interesting publication that would interest readers to learn more about the soul of these two neighbouring countries that were linked by geography, geology, history and God. Both nations that are so physically close to each other, however, tend to take each other for granted, and do not stretch themselves to understand the subtle nuances of each other’s cultural expressions.

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  • Dresses and their role in women empowerment

    We will not dwell upon the recent comment made by the new chief minister of Uttarakhand on women wearing ripped jeans. He obviously spoke for certain sections that are yet to come to terms with the newer dress preferences of Indian women. We will not even discuss individual tastes and freedoms here, because history is really not bothered about our opinions.

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  • Preface to Jagajjyoti 125th Year Commemorative Volume

    Preface to a collection of selected essays on Buddha and Buddhist philosophy published on the ocassion of 125 years (1892-2017) celebration of Bauddha Dharmankur Sabha (Bengal Buddhist Association) edited by Hemendu Bikash Chowdhury.

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  • New Year Begins in January for Some, in March for Others

    We know that as soon as the clock strikes midnight on the 31st of December, we step on a brand new year — with a bang and a lot of hope. But, strangely, we never stop to ask why do we celebrate this particular date and time? Why not, say, the first of March or the 25th of March or even on the 25th of December? This is, incidentally, not idle prattle, for all these dates have had the historic honour of actually being observed as ‘New Year’s Day’. Yes. So let’s get into the story of how we went past all these dates to arrive at the first of January.

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  • Lessons from our Past: Assent, Dissent, Resent and Consent

    In the 1880s, John Robert Seeley pompously announced that “India is... only a geographical expression and does not make the territory of a nation” while John Strachey declared with equal contempt that “there never was an India… no Indian nation, no people of India”. Like other British imperialist commentators, they were both obviously underestimating the inner strength of a civilisation that had arisen over millennia of coexistence, compromise and consensus.

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  • যাঁরা তখন গাঁধীর বিরুদ্ধে ছিলেন

    সরকারি মতে আজ মহাত্মা গাঁধীর জন্মের সার্ধশতবর্ষের উদ্‌যাপনের সমাপ্তি। এই কোভিড সংক্রমণের মাঝেও বেশ ঘটা করে উৎসব অনুষ্ঠান নিশ্চই হবে, অন্তত টিভির পর্দার জন্য। প্রচুর অর্থের বিনিময়ে যে সব কার্যক্রম ভারত সরকার গত দু’বছর ধরে কার্যকরী করলেন, সেইগুলি কতটুকু সফল হয়েছে আর সাধারণ মানুষকে গান্ধীর ভাবধারার প্রতি আকর্ষিত করেছে, তা বিচার করে কোনো লাভ নেই, শোনার লোকের অভাবে। মূর্তি স্থাপনেরও খুব একটা সুযোগ নেই, কেননা বিগত ৭২ বছরে এমন কোনো শহর বা গঞ্জ বাকি নেই, যেখানে গান্ধীকে নিয়ে ভাস্কর্যের নিদর্শন দেখা যায় না। রাস্তার নামকরণ আমাদের একটা জাতীয় বদ্ধসংস্কার, কিন্তু এ ব্যাপারেও খুব একটা অবকাশ নেই — আমরা তো কত যুগ আগেই বিভিন্ন রাজ্যে প্রধান সড়কের নাম এম জি রোড করে ফেলেছি।

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  • They Opposed Gandhi and his Ideas

    As the 150th birth anniversary celebrations end and the Mahatma returns to his confined habitat of museums, a fact worth noticing is the visible turn — we still cannot call it a turnaround— in the attitude of the Hindu Right to the man they hounded to death.'

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